

再一次证明网络力量的可怕。一中年妇女(说粤语的华人)因赶不上飞机情结激动,表现过激行为如哭叫,滚地。此过程被人拍成视频放到 youtube 上,好家伙,这一下子成了热闹新闻了。


  1. 中国大陆人,认为有损于国人形象,感到羞耻。
  2. 香港人,本能地与此切割,先定义此妇女为内地人(注意哦,目前不知道此妇女为内地或香港,照口音是香港人的机会也非常大;也有可能是长着中国人的脸拿着外国身份的外国人),并上升到地域攻击。
  3. 台湾人,媒体新闻上放了视频,一如既往地看笑话。
  4. 外国人,我在此不加评论。


但是,这位女士的行为真的那么坏吗?赶不上飞机肯定很急,一下子失去理智情绪失控所做出来的行为就能代表她这个人整体的素质吗?人和人的心理跟生理状况不一样,有人情结失控了还砸东西打人杀人放火呢。她只是行为不适当,并没做什么坏事啊。再说了,视频上看到背景也没多少人,如果不是那个谁把这个视频放上来,最多也只是当场那几个人看到,也没把脸丢到全世界吧。恰恰这位上传视频的中国人,把这个脸丢到全世界的,为什么没人看到这一点呢?! 以为高高地站在素质的高点上,做着的却是令人不齿的事情。他自己有没有想过,这件事会给这位只是行为失控的妇女带来什么样的心理负担?这样的惩罚也太大了吧。


最让我看不惯的是那些叫得最凶的香港人。 这让我想起前些年发生的韩裔学生校园屠杀的事件。当时也是在凶手身份不明的情况下,全世界都先入为主地把中国人/华人又骂又责,连我们华人自己也出来在那里又羞又辱。最后查明,幸好不是中国人或华裔(要不然 ... ... 我不敢想像)。但那些骂出去的话已经收不回来了,那些种在心里的诅咒也生了根发了芽。最后受果的还不都是整个华人。当然也包括台湾人。外国人可不管你从哪里来的,只要长着黑头发黑眼睛黄皮肤说汉话,那就是中国人,加再多备注也没用。备注越多越被人家鄙视。




Before Valentine's Day

It's not Valentine's Day yet. But we can feel it early because the commercial advertising is everywhere. We can see all of the advertisement of chocolates, flowers, sweet gifs when we are surfing the web, watching TV, out for shopping...

I was out to the Walmart for commodity and food stuff yesterday. I heard the Walmart broadcasted sweet love songs over and over. And the announcer encouraged people buying flowers and gifs again and again. It's hard not to notice that the beautiful roses and flower packages were placed in the forefront.

Everything seems sunddenly being romantic. How to be romantic? I know, commonly the romantic things are related with such as roses & flowers & sweet gifs, candle light dinner & red wine, dancing with lover on the beach in the setting sun, kissing when lover say those three words, ect.

But I think being romantic is not about the condition for what you've offered, or the gifs from which you've been sent. it's about the person with whom you are being. Everything will be romatic if you are in love with someone even if it's doing nothing just stay together.

The Valentine's Day comes from the occident 西方, 西洋, 欧美, 西欧诸国. I don't care much about it just like other  holidays.  Actually we had Chinese Valentine's Day two days ago. Yea, and we will have another Chinese Valentine's Day on about the mid of the year, July 7 of the Chinese lunar calendar.

(And thank you, Sajid, for correcting me! )


About M

Hello! everyone. Welcome to my blog.

I'm Mona Huang, come from China.  I'm a self-employed internet-worker. I work in the special economic district of ShenZhen, Guangdong province. 

ShenZhen is  a beautiful city  which near Hong Hong,  the first city of Reform and Openning-up of China,  and was called "the South Gate of China". If you have a chance to entre into China from HongKong someday, you might have nity-five percent to pass through ShenZhen.

I'm an English learner. And this is my first English blog. I wish to learn English as quick as I can. So I will write down my essays when I have time.

As a learner, I know I might make a lot of mistakes. And I'll be thankful if someone will kindly correct me. 

Thank you all for your attentions!